Welcome to Okanogan Basin Monitoring!
The Okanogan Basin contains the northern-most extent of currently accessible anadromous salmon in the Upper Columbia River Basin and is home to thriving sockeye and fall Chinook populations, a steelhead run that is listed as threatened, and occasional sightings of coho and spring Chinook salmon. The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation implement several extensive programs in the basin with funding from the Bonneville Power Administration, including the Okanogan Basin Monitoring and Evaluation Program (OBMEP), the Okanogan Subbasin Habitat Implementation Program (OSHIP), and the Chief Joseph Hatchery Program. The Colville Tribes also implements the Okanogan Broodstock, Acclimation, and Monitoring Program (BAM) with funding from Grant County PUD. Data from these programs are provided in tabular format, GIS layers, and maps, some of which are available for download.